
Hello and welwlcome

I offer political education, facilitation and trainings on activism.

This side is in progress. For further information to myself, my projects and my educational approach feel free to contact me directly: +49 (0) 1575 1060 862 or wirte an email.

Workshops you can book:

Get active now! A workshop on political activism and creative forms of protest:

In this interactive 2h long workshop we will look at different forms of political activism using selected examples. Many pictures, videos and experience reports give us an authentic insight into different forms of protest and their theoretical backgrounds. We also deal with differnt questions:

  • What is direct action? What’s your definition of activism?
  • What is the movement action plan? A strategy we could use?
  • What are contemporary and effective forms of protest?
  • What does that actually has to do with us personally?
  • What can WE do now?

We learn from history and ask ourselves what forms of action are needed today and how we can decorate our room for maneuver with creativity, cakes, loud subwoofers and a bag of confetti in order to build a liberated society based on solidarity.

Thank you very much!

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Kontakt & kostenlose Beratung

Melde dich gern bei mir, damit wir deine Projektidee mit 100% Info-tainment umsetzen!

Du hast eine Frage? Ruf uns jetzt an
+49 (0) 1575 1060 862
Wo bin ich unterwegs?
Rostock und weltweit
Schick uns eine E-Mail

Herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch

Ich freue mich über Feedback, Kritik und weitere Anregungen! Sag mir gern, was ich verändern soll oder auch was Dir besonders gut gefallen hat. Ich hoffen wir sehen uns bald wieder, wenn es heißt: Politische Bildung mit 100% Info-Tainment! Bis bald, bleib stabil & gesund! Dein Jannes Umlauf.